These archives contain articles posted in the PSS Blog, or posted as guest articles on other sites or in external article directories.
I have busy months and quiet months in posting articles and not all blog postings are posted here. It is a useful place to return to for updates on a regular basis though.
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Okay.. on with the archives!
April 2011
Do you have any idea what you want your life to mean? Any idea what legacy your life will leave? Do you have any plan? Are you actually working any plan?
The bigger a website gets the more time it takes to stay current. It's the old tale of running faster to stand still at times.
That's not good when it's time to move forward.
Postings to the archives have been thin on the ground because I've spent a great deal of time on personal development, concentrating on marketing skills, but probably more importantly on learning about myself and the nature of life.
Life's good. It's even better when you understand it a little more.
I am truly grateful I can do that, and that I've had the opportunity to do that.
This month there's a new article which reflects both some of my past and my looking out on the world. It's the story of a great unfairness which has yet to be resolved. I hope and pray that it can be resolved with dignity and humility.
Well, the children are back at school, our summer visitors are all returned home, the last few roses in the garden are ready for dead-heading whilst the lawn grows a little slower. Most of all, we can see the nights are starting to draw in. Now, before someone tells you that there's only nineteen weeks 'til Christmas, I have to ask;
Weight Loss and Body Building
Are you hoping for weight loss this summer? One of the issues I once faced was that my weight was just a little too much. I didn't feel unhealthy. I didn't feel fat..
This article is about a real person and a real event. It's about the death of a beautiful and talented young life.
April 2010
Quick update...
So Easter is at the beginning of April this year and I'm having a slow start to the month on my article writing.
There's a significant effort going into a new book on the 'Missing Success Secrets' - out in May.
Also work is going into developing some linking strategy and redesign.
More work into new newsletters and templates.
I have a mountain of reading and product reviews.
..And finally, I need to give a major effort to two very important reviews requested by a pal who has helped me in the past. He's a pal because he was very honest with me, I shall be just the same with him!
Another Video? You Betcha!
Shortly after writing the Not Another Video article in these archives, I came across a strong argument in favour of using video. As the bishop said the actress "It's short! But worth a look!" ;-)
Oh No! Not Another Video!
Do you get that, 'Oh No! Not another video' feeling too frequently? Is there maybe a lesson in there?
February 2010
Life Purpose Question
'I have a Life Purpose Question that I've really struggled with' said Jerry
Emotion and Stress Giving You Problems?
One of the greatest fallacies of humankind is that emotional responses are inevitable, unavoidable and unchangeable.
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